Hello world!
Hello world indeed! I am so happy my own website finally found a new life! It really needed for a good revamp, so… here we are!
The main section of this website, of course, is my gallery: all my artworks are in there and I plan to update it regularly too!
Another important area will be the blog: I want to use it as much as possible, to talk about various things. This will surely be a better platform than any silly social media, specially in the way information gets retained and offered better instead of being thrown in an ocean of kittens and cheap politics.
If you want to know more about me, then I suggest you to check my biography page: there, I talk about my personal tastes and interests.
Last but not least, of course, if you want to contact me, please do so! There is a full page dedicated to how you can reach out to me.
Thank you for your interest! I promise I will post more things soon! Stay tuned!